Meet The Team

Jeremy Rubin – CEO: Jeremy, also known as The Friendly Flipper, has been in the real estate business for 10+ years and is passionate about finding creative real estate solutions for our clients. He oversees the overall strategy and operations of the company and can be found on all platforms @thefriendlyflipper. He also takes great pride in strengthening team morale and being a catalyst for progress.

Direct Line: (805)242-1694


John Kajitani – Acquisitions Manager: John specializes in securing deals for the company and has a “Get-It-Done” attitude we all appreciate. He’s been a real estate investor for 20+ years and a local Santa Maria business owner for the past 13 years. He is happily married to his lovely wife Irene Kajitani and has 2 handsome sons, Johnny and Jordan. You can often find him at Chamber meetings, networking with the community.

Direct Line: (805)598-0881


Eddie Robles – Dispositions Manager: Eddie’s primary role within the company is taking deals to the finish line. His sociable persona and 7+ years of real estate knowledge allow him to find and match properties to buyers with ease, and his high-stress tolerance and negotiation skills allow him to stay calm under pressure. Outside of the office, you can find him in the gym or in the boxing ring.

Direct Line: (805)621-2429


Raul Anguiano – Project Manager: Raul is responsible for overseeing property renovations and leading his team with precision. He has been in the construction industry since he was 18 years old and takes great pride in seeing the transformation of each project. When he’s not hard at work, Raul enjoys spending time with his wife, Esmeralda, and their three children, traveling, learning about different cultures, and coaching John Dato in the boxing ring.

Direct Line: (805)868-0075


Aileen Garcia-Silva – Administrative Assistant: Aileen is a versatile team member, working across multiple departments. Her responsibilities include managing clerical tasks, leading new projects, overseeing marketing initiatives, and bridging gaps in acquisition and disposition pipelines. Aileen is known for her analytical approach, resourcefulness, and friendly personality. When not at work, you can find her exercising, immersing herself in nature, or planning her next new experience.

Direct Line: (805)621-6067


Anthony Carranza – Property Consultant: Anthony is tasked with generating quality leads for our disposition pipeline. His communication skills, trustworthiness, and positive mindset paired with his ability to provide tailored solutions and value to clients’ needs, are what makes him successful in his role. When Anthony is not working, he enjoys seeking adrenaline, being spontaneous, and playing soccer competitively.

Direct Line: (805)314-5614


At Premier Real Estate Group, our team is dedicated to providing exceptional service and helping clients achieve their real estate goals. Contact us to see how we can assist you today.